A Symbolic Analyst
Discover (really) what is a Symbolic Analyst

According to NASDQ Stock Market, the American stock exchange, the term means one thing. They even use the term Guru Analyst
fares their decisions based on the theories of Peter Lynch
, Benjamin Graham
and other stock-picking legends, based on Validea's interpretation
What is this new job title we hear about
Tks to Robert B. Reich
... and his book "The Work of Nations
Then, let's think further
What about the definition of an analyst: The symbolic
What is a Symbol Analyst doing on a daily basis?
Let's ask Robert B. Reich, an author who wrote a book on the subject
Reich is an American political man, professor, and author. He wrote the Works of the Nations in 1992. He served in the administrations of Presidents Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter and was Secretary of Labor under President Bill Clinton from 1993 to 1997.
Robert B. Reich's thoughts
How do you plan to earn your living? Some skills will be in demand, while others will disappear!
The essay Robert Reich wrote, perceived as a political economist, changed my way of thinking about job security. He thougt and coined this term (Symbol Analyst) back in 1992 one year before he was appointed Secretary of Labor under President Bill Clinton from 1993 to 1997.
Listen (and watch) to this interview (1992) where he speaks about his ideas on the future of work.
Some of my thoughts are borrowed from this web blog (no guarantee the site is still up and running).
Reich (Robert Reich) was the nation’s 22nd Secretary of Labor and was a professor at the University of California at Berkeley, etc. His book is about “Supercapitalism.”
"Reich uses the term of symbolic analysts to describe what he feels one of the three main job classifications of the future will be." *
A symbolic analyst is
- a problem identifier
- a problem solver, or
- an innovator who can visualize new uses of existing technologies.
Chart showing combinations of new workers
Difficult to difine as they engage problem solvint jobs.re
Jobs of the future he says are:
- Communications - | Management - | - Engineers - |
- Systems - | - Planning - | - Director - |
- Financial - | - Process - | - Designer - |
- Creative - | - Development - | - Coordinator - |
- Project - | - Strategy - | - Consultant - |
- Bunisess - | - Policy - | - Manager - |
- Resource - | - Applications - | - Adviser - |
- Product - | - Research - | - Planner - |